
My twink Kuai Liang design

Hello, I'm Summer and welcome to my website! K

This site acts as a central hub for all my creative projects, both fandom and original! Feel free to take a look around and make yourself at home!

The site is very much a WIP and will continue to be such for the foreseeable future! :)

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This Site Is For 18+ Persons Only!

Disclaimerx: This site contains content and links intended for an adult audience. This includes but is not limited to NSFW, BDSM & other sexual kinks, violent, horror and otherwise dark works. Explicit links are labelled as such.
By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing that you are over 18. You have been warned!

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OTF Mortal Kombat

rock me Eluveitie

love tropes // Enemies to lovers

gore // Blood, Bruises, Guts

I am demonic ★

WIPs Galore 300+ Fanfic WIPs

Web Rings

Coming soon :3

Other Listings

Coming soon :3