- 07/03/2025 - Revamped and finished Brit's page in my OC section! Changed how I link to my OC pages, going to make little 88x31 buttons once a page is complete & use it to link to the page. Currently only Blizzard & Brit are available, but I'm working on some more j
- 05/03/2025 - A lot of little updates, mostly just adding images here and there, but also installed emoji font so now I have this cute pixel emoji font to work with g, added cliques & sections for web rings & listings whenever I get around to joining some lol
February 2025
- 27/02/2025 - Added 1 new Pixel art to Fanart.
- 19/02/2025 - Added 2 nostalgia doodles & 3 full illustraitions to Original Art!
January 2025
- 28/01/2025 - Added 1 new Pixel art to Original Art.
- 26/01/2025 - Added 1 Nostalgia Doodle to fanart & 3 new Pixel arts to Original Art.
- 07/01/2025 - Added 2025 journal & New entry!
December 2024
- 27/12/2024 - Added new Full Illustraition to Fanart, done some general housekeeping.
November 2024
- 21/11/2024 - Added 2 new pieces of pixel art to Fanart, added buttons to collections.
- 17/11/2024 - Added new Full Illustraition to Fanart & 2 new Nostalgia doodles to Original Art.
- 14/11/2024 - Added Full Illustraitions from 2022, 2023 & 2024 to Fanart, & 2 new Nostalgia doodles to Original Art.
- 13/11/2024 - Added fic page for For Anyone But Me, Your Private Eye.
- 11/11/2024 - Added Nostalgia doodles & Pixel Art to both Fanart & Original Art, and Oekaki Art to Fanart. Brought back my 2023 journal entries.
- 07/11/2024 - Sort of messing with art pages atm, I'm not 100% happy with how I'm doing them and might need to come back later :(
October 2024
- 26/10/2024 - Added new icons to Freebies!
- 23/10/2024 - Added 2024 Journal! Added Moodboards to Freebies.
September 2024
- 26/09/2024 - Some tiny bits of housekeeping & updated the sitemap.
- 24/09/2024 - Added Media section and Media Log.
- 23/09/2024 - Added Fanfic Tracker.
- 21/09/2024 - Updated Writing Diary with entries for August, added Playlists to Fandom Meta.
- 20/09/2024 - Added Top/Bottom prefs & Tropes to Bias section, and added fanfic recs & MK recs!
- 19/09/2024 - Added Bias section, and my character & ship bias!
- 18/09/2024 - Added Generators section, and added AU Generator & MK Ship Generator!
August 2024
- 31/08/2024 - Added Blizzard's character page (still need to finish a couple of things, but it's got the essentials). Split fanart gallery into SFW & NSFW.
- 24/08/2024 - Added Finding Forgiveness Story Page (still needs a little more work, especially on the character profiles) & Apartments to Other Projects.
- 15/08/2024 - I'm still working on things, but have decided the sites in a good enough state to start allowing visitors in again ^_^
- 06/08/2024 - Added Graphics Resources, Adopts, Codes, Site Map, Site Credits, My links, Links out, Dialouge Prompts, Shinnok/Fujin Ship Manifesto & Writing Diary.
- 04/08/2024 - Added Gaia Avatar & screenshot collections.
July 2024
- 30/07/2024 - Add more Icons to freebies I'd previously forgotten about ^^;; Added Blinkie and stamp freebies.
- 29/07/2024 - Added Freebies and Icons.
- 26/07/2024 - Added Livejournal icon & blinkie collections.
- 25/07/2024 - Added collections, surveys, picrews & stamps. Reuploaded Hatefuck's fic page & my Note Dump page!
- 24/07/2024 - Added about page, started fanart page (will be reworking thumbnails soon), added microblog & added lists.
- 23/07/2024 - Started a COMPLETE overhaul of the site! Deleted the majority of it to basically start from scratch! So far, the main layout is all set out :)
June 2024
- 15/06/2024 - Not a massive update but I am now offically a Neocities supporter so expect some sister site projects to come about soon :)
May 2024
- 30/05/2024 - Added new avatars to my Gaia Avatar collection page
- 24/05/2024 - Just a note that I've removed the links to my original story pages as I'm going to rework them :)
- 10/05/2024 - Added new avatars to my Gaia Avatar collection page :)
- 04/05/2024 - Fixed a coding error that was making main body text massive on desktop (In my defence, I haven't used a desktop in years and only just got a new one lol)
- 02/05/2024 - Added more stamps to my collection.
- 01/05/2024 - Microblog up to date :)
April 2024
- 28/04/2024 - Small update, adding a few graphics to the Fanfic fic page!
- 20/04/2024 - Updated Microblog and Fandom Notes.
- 12/04/2024 - Added notes in Fandom Meta section, a Micro Blog to the me section, Fic note dump in fanfics, and a fic page for Hatefuck also in fanfics.
- 11/04/2024 - Updated To Do Lists, added a page for misc lists that I don't feel deserve their own page & updated my testimonials and Gaia Avatar collection pages.
- 08/04/2024 - New icons and blends on Freebie page, and added a list of resources & credits I use to create graphics.
- 02/04/2024 - Redid Stamp page (decided it was easier to start from scratch than trying to track down each individual source, so in future I'll be keeping track of sources as I add stuff), added MK inspired blinkies & various icons to the freebie page!
March 2024
- 16/03/2024 - All pages are switched over to the new layout! V4 is up baby!
Currently I do have an issue where certain pages are being stretched on mobile due to the page heading. I'll find a fix for this later, until then I apologise, but just zoom out if it happens and you should see it how I intended it to be :) Fixed this (altho admittedly probs not in the best way but it works so whatever lol) Also, added a site map!
- 15/03/2024 - Slowly switching things over to a new layout & making plans to re-organise pages & add alt test to images while I'm at it :) Re-organised freebie page, added some MK pixel sprites to the adopts page, updates to Scrapbook (new journal entry, new creative log entry & thoughts are up to date).
- 11/03/2024 - Dottie's character page is done!
- 10/03/2024 - Decided I'm going to completely redo all my character pages ^^;; I feel I've gotten a bit better at coding since I did most of them, as well as a lot better at keeping track of resources I use for credits! Speaking of, Brittany's character page is done! ^_^
- 02/03/2024 - Scrapbook is up to date.
February 2024
- 16/02/2023 - We're SO back!!! Major side update, combining my Journal, Thoughts, Creative log and Year In Media into one section known as the Scrapbook! Fanfic section is now up to date too!
December 2023
- 01/12/2023 - Been a while! Added a simple code for a mobile friendly fanfiction layout in the Code section :)
September 2023
- 13/09/2023 - New layout!!! Not a massive change, but it's nice to have a change! Hopefully it's a little tider coding wide now too :) Also pre-emptively posted a link to "Mortal Kombat 1 Log" in the Fandom Essays section, which will hopefully have it's first update tomorrow!
- 06/09/2023 - Thoughts page is now up to date :)
August 2023
- 28/08/2023 - Added "More Than Nice" & "For Warmth You'll Be Longing, Nightingale" to the fanfic Archive.
- 27/08/2023 - Been a while! Started a website art project named "Why Do I Have These Thoughts?" that can be found on the original projects page :)
- 03/08/2023 - Added "A Fading Memory When My Mind Is Frozen" to the Fanfic Archive.
July 2023
- 30/07/2023 - New Gaia Avatars in the collection!
- 26/07/2023 - Added "Ice, Ice, Smoke And Fire" to the Fanfic Archive.
- 23/07/2023 - Another point to the Kuai is Scorpion conspiracy theory, and rejoyce for hopefully it will be the penultimate amendment to it!
- 22/07/2023 - Some minor edits to the Kuai is Scorpion conspiracy theory, I am sorry, I swear I'll do other site updates soon.
- 20/07/2023 - Thoughts and Year In Media pages up to date.
- 17/07/2023 - New Gaia Avatars in the collection!
- 15/07/2023 - Another point to the Kuai is Scorpion conspiracy theory.
- 09/07/2023 - Added "You Are Not Alone, And You're Stronger Than You Know" to the Fanfic Archive.
- 08/07/2023 - Thoughts and Year In Media pages up to date. Also another point to the Kuai is Scorpion conspiracy theory I am officially at my breaking point.
- 07/07/2023 - Another point to the Kuai is Scorpion conspiracy theory, I know I know, but this is going to be my life until we get an explanation.
- 06/07/2023 - More points in the Kuai is Scorpion conspiracy theory, I feel like at this point I am offically just documenting my mental decline, NRS please just call Scorpion by his name I am begging you.
- 05/07/2023 - Added another point to the Kuai is Scorpion conspiracy theory corkboard.
- 03/07/2023 - A minor but sitewide update, adjusting the navbar so hopefully it looks a little more filled out now. :)
June 2023
- 30/06/2023 - Added new points to the Kuai is Scorpion conspiracy theory corkboard.
- 26/06/2023 - New Gaia Avatars in the collection, Updated Wishlist & To Do List.
- 24/06/2023 - Fanfic Archive is finished and now live!
- 19/06/2023 - Thoughts and Year In Media pages up to date. Added new Gaia Avatars in the collection.
- 14/06/2023 - Updated to-do lists, and wishlist.
- 11/06/2023 - New Creative Log Entry, and made some new slight ammendments to the MK1 Kuai Liang Is Scorpion conspiracy theory corkboard lol.
- 10/06/2023 - Added a new Essay to the Fandom Meta section, "The MK1 Kuai Liang Is Scorpion Theory; Evidence And Rambles". New Gaia Avatars in the collection, Thoughts and Year In Media pages up to date.
- 07/06/2023 - New Journal Entry. All fanfics (bar majority of Song Shorts) are uploaded, although they all still need a code clean up and other stuff.
- 06/06/2023 - New Survey in collections. Still slowly making my way through my fanfics and uploading them to the site :)
- 04/06/2023 - Started attempting to self-host my fics on this site, although the new page won't be linked until it's completely done & the current system will remain until I am fully done :) New Gaia Avatars in Collections.
- 03/06/2023 - New post in Creative Log. Added new Prompt list, Quotes From My Older Works, to the Prompts page.
- 01/06/2023 - Thoughts & Year In Media pages up to date.
May 2023
- 30/05/2023 - Completed Character Page layout for Blizzard, Chinatsu & Hallow. Minor update so that this update box uses Iframes, to make archiving my updates a bit easier :)
- 29/05/2023 - Added a new Survery to collections. I also should hopefully have fixed the scrollbars and made them look pretty on desktop ^^;; If you spot any ugly grey scrollbars, please let me know over on tumblr!
- 28/05/2023 - New Journal Entry, New Creative Log Entry. Completed Layout for my SubScorp Shrine! Minor updates by changing the Journal, Creative Log, Thoughts, AU Project Page and Shorts pages to all use a CSS stylesheet rather than having the CSS as part of the page code itself :) Split the SubScorp section of AU Project Page into 3 pages as it all being on one page was slowing down the editor.
- 26/05/2023 - Completed Character Page layout for Biohazard.
- 25/05/2023 - Finished AU Generator Project page, which is now available from the Fanfic page ^^ Finished Story page layouts for Monstars, Rainbow Rangers and Spellpunk
- 24/05/2023 - New Journal post, new post in creative log, new Gaia avatars in the collection, Thoughts & Year In Media pages up to date.
- 15/05/2023 - New post in Creative Log. New AU Generator Project page, although again it's not complete and the link can be found in the creative log for now :P
- 14/05/2023 - New post in Creative Log. New short fic page although it's not complete yet (link can be found from the creative log for now.)
- 11/05/2023 - Added a new collection, showing off my various GaiaOnline avatars. New posts in the art log. Changed how my thoughts page is archives (with a page for previous years).
- 09/05/2023 - Site now has a custom favicon (look at your tab). No, No I swear this is the last sitewide update, please! Moved my recs for youtubers from links to it's own page. Added some fanfic recs, although they are currently without my comments.
- 08/05/2023 - Added a new page, Creative Log, into the Me section, and also updated the journal to have a new layout :)
- 04/05/2023 - New journal entry & moved Aprils entries to the archive :)
April 2023
- 26/04/2023 - I swear this is this the last site wide update for real this time! Added a custom font of google fonts for headers across the site, and also finally added a picture down in the bottom left section which has been blank for that purpose since forever XD Added link to code page, but no codes available yet :) They're coming tho dw!
- 23/04/2023 - Added a new fanfic, "We've Got Time Left To Be Lazy" to the Oneshot fic list.
- 21/04/2023 - New journal, made some small additions to Brittany's Character page, and started on story page layout for Monsters.
- 19/04/2023 - Completed story page layout for Embers In Tundra, Kuniklo's Wish, Finding Forgiveness & Kiss Under Neon Skies.
- 18/04/2023 - Fiddled with the navbar Iframe a little so it fits better (I swear to god this is the last site wide update I'm making.)
- 16/04/2023 - Added an Article, "Reddit Stories That Live Rent Free In My Head". Compressed images for the main layout, Kez, Aiden, Answer and Akko's character pages & for The Ruby Butterflies story page. Completed character page layouts for Flannery and Lollypop. Added a project page for Apartments.
- 15/04/2023 - Updated the navbar to use Iframes! Hopefully this will make it easier to add new pages to the navigation! Readded "Year In Media" page in the lists section, updated to-do list. Changed splash page slightly with new graphic, and extra acessability warnings. Added Prompts page in the You section. Also added better epilepsy warnings for parts of the site with moving gifs!
- 14/04/2023 - Added a new fanfic, "So Lead Me Into Denial, Help Me Forget For A While" to the Hatefuck fic list.
- 13/04/2023 - New journal entry! Completed charater page layout for Lyall.
- 12/04/2023 - Completed character page layouts for Dottie and Faye.
- 09/04/2023 - Completed character page layouts for Boni, Babs, Suzume, Nyx, Laverne, Circe and Micha.
- 08/04/2023 - Fiddled around with the layout for my Sub Zero shrine some more, and finished Brittany's character page layout. Also did some minor cleaning up of code, mostly deleting code tags that aren't really relevant or needed. Not yet implimented but also looking into compressing some images to make them more space friendly but I'll get back to you on that one XD
- 07/04/2023 - Layouts for my Sub Zero & Mileena shrines are done and the pages are linked to from the shrines section!
- 06/04/2023 - Minor update to fanfics, adding emoji's to the rating to help have a more immediate visual idea what a fics rating is :)
- 03/04/2023 - Added a new fanfic, "And I Know You Won't Remember Memories In Ember" to the MK chaptered fic list.
- 02/04/2023 - Updated to-do list, and deleted the "year in media" page for now.
- 01/04/2023 - Added a new journal post, and moved March's entries to the archive, updated the MK fanart and MK OC art pages, redid the layout for thoughts so hopefully it won't be as bloated to update anymore :)
March 2023
- 23/03/2023 - There is now a button that can be used to link back to me on the links page :) Added new virtual pets to the collection, and added more stamps to the freebie page (Majority Nijisanji EN, a couple of MK and one misc.)
- 22/03/2023 - New Journal post :)
- 20/03/2023 - Nothing big, just some additions to the piccrew, quiz results and virtual pet collections.
- 19/03/2023 - New Journal and added some new pets to the virtual pet collection.
- 18/03/2023 - New Journal post & added some stamps to the freebie page (mostly Nijisanji stamps, a couple of MK stamps and a Jem stamp).
- 17/03/2023 - Added the you section, including links to a generator page, a freebie page and an adopts page, added Quiz Results page, Testimonials page and Virtual Pets page in collections, added a some new picrews, added MK OC art to my original art pages.
- 15/03/2023 - New journal entry, and added some new picrews to the collection!
February 2023
- 20/02/2023 - Added a new lists page, linked to it from all other pages and took the opportunity to redo and revamp the navigation bar.
- 19/02/2023 - Added a couple more peices to the fanart page, put some MK headcanons in the meta section.
- 18/02/2023 - Did the layout coding & graphics for the The Ruby Butterflies page. Also started a few pages for some of my MK OC's
- 17/02/2023 - Updated some general info around the site, added a new journal entry, added stamps to collection page, did a small amount of reorganisation of fic rec page (still need to rec more fics tbh lmao), added some links to my most recent fanarts, added a playlists page.
- 16/02/2023 - Changed up the layout a little in terms of colour scheme (to fit with my current colour scheme across my social medias), completely redid my fanfic masterlist and got it up to date, added a Shinnok/Fujin shipping manifesto.
September 2022
- 19/09/2022 - Finished adding the link to thoughts page, started a picrew page in collections...
- 17/09/2022 - Added a thoughts (fake twitter basically) page! Not all pages link to it yet tho!
- 14/9/2022 - Converted all major pages to the new layout, added a journal archive page, and currently working on redoing my fanfic masterlist. :)
- 13/9/2022 - New layout! Things might be and look a bit janky for a bit while I go around and fix things!
- 11/9/2022 - It's been a while. I'm considering redoing stuff here eventually. We'll see :)
January 2022
- 11/1/2022 - Gone ahead and made sure every link in the nav goes to a page, even if theres nothing there! Added some stuff to my favourites page, added 2 links to the character pages, and added a small amount of MK fanart to start that section off ^^
- 10/1/2022 - Added a splash page with a warning about the site being 18+, added four more MK fanfic's to the oneshot page, added faves page (although it's not finished yet lol), added shrines page and list of shrines I'm working on.
- 1/1/2022 - Happy new year!!! Started my journal, changed the dividers, adding links to articles and collections in the nav, added a characters page (although it doesn't go anywhere at the moment), added a links page, added a collections page and blinkies page.
December 2021
- 29/12/2021 - Added my fic rec page, although it is nowhere near finished because I need to trowel through AO3 to find all the fics I like XD There are 3 of my top suggestions tho, atm.
- 24/12/2021 - Added this update box, finished my fanfiction pages, added an about page.