Supposedly Dead

❥Pairing: Tomas Vrbada/Kuai Liang
❥Word Count: 459
❥Rating: Mature
❥Warnings: Undead AU, Trauma, Bringing People Back From The Dead
❥Prompt: Undead

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Well, this situation definitely ranked in the top 10 weirdest experiences Tomas had ever had.

He had just started to get over the grief. The feeling that he was being crushed under the weight of the trauma of losing his best friend. The image of Kuai Liang’s lifeless corpse lying in a coffin was burned forever in his mind, but he was just about getting to a stage where he might be able to let go of some of the pain.

But Bi-Han had been acting strange lately, and now Tomas had found out why.

Sitting opposite him was the supposedly dead Kuai Liang.

There was definitely something wrong however. Kuai’s skin was looking almost grey, he had large bags under his eyes like he hadn’t slept in months. His movements were also strange, arms stiff and bent awkwardly like his joints and muscles weren’t working right. Every so often he would visibly twitch, his whole body jolting for seemingly no reason.

Bi-Han had a lot of answers to give.

“So uh, how are you doing?” Tomas asked, not sure if that was the right thing to ask.

“Well, I was dead and now I’m not,” Kuai replied, yet another twitch causing him to flinch rather violently. “So… I’ve been better.”

“Yeah… I… Can imagine.” Tomas reached to play with his hair. He knew he needed to ask what had happened, but for some reason the thought made him want to puke. Did he really want to know what Bi-Han had done to defy nature like this. “Kuai, what-“

“Don’t,” Kuai warned, his hand slamming the table, although given the strange whine he made, it didn’t seem to be intended. “I know what you’re going to ask, and trust me, you do not want to know what he did.”

Tomas debated pushing the issue, but the fact Kuai’s body spasms seemed to be getting worse, he decided to drop it. If what Bi-Han did was so distressing for Kuai, it was probably something awful. Maybe Tomas would confront Bi-Han later. For now, he wasn’t about to upset Kuai any more.

“Well, what exactly does this mean for you?” Legally speaking, Kuai was dead, and Tomas highly doubted they’d be able to change that. What kind of life could Kuai possibly live like this?

“I don’t know,” Kuai whispered, his head lowering but thankfully his twitching went back to the level it was before. “I mean, what can I do?”

“We’ll figure something out,” Tomas assured him, reaching over to put his hand over Kuai’s. Like this, he could feel every tremble in Kuai’s body. “I won’t let you go through this alone.”

For the first time since Tomas had set sight on him today, Kuai smiled.

“Thank you, Tomas.”

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