Links Out

Here you can find links out to the wider internet!

Before you go though, if you'd like to link back to me, feel free to take one of the following buttons to add to your site! (No hotlinking. Please save & upload to your own webspace!
Link Back To Me Link Back To Me

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Button Wall

Various buttons I've saved from really cool websites during my internet exploration!

Apple Dust Asterism Bonnibel's Graphics Engram Pixel Fool Lovers Hot Choco Moon Candy Runarea Salvaged Sleety Snowdrops Sorahana Sushi Pixels Sweet Charm Whimsical

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Interesting Websites

Just some sites I personally find really interesting and you might want to check out :)

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Internet Nostalgia

Just a dose of internet things that are nostalgic to me. Mostly old flash animations from way back when.