Nestled within a room of the Lin Kuei temple, a young woman sits down to enjoy a fresh cup of tea. As she looks out of the window, she ponders the events that brought her here.And battles with the strange sense that there's still something she needs to find.

- Name; Li Xue
- Nicknames; Blizzard
- Gender/Pronouns; Cis-Woman, She/Her
- Species; Human/Cryomancer
- Realm Of Origin; Earthrealm
- Current Realm; Earthrealm
- Age; 25
- Date Of Birth; 1st December
- Occupation; Lin Kuei Student
- Alignment; Neutral Good
- Faction; Lin Kuei
- Sexuality; Bisexual
- Height; 5'4" | 163 cm

Charisma; 4/10

Stoic, Disciplined, Hardworking, Practical.
Blunt, Asocial, Insensitive, Humourless.
Cold Weather, Tea, Mooncakes, History.
Loud People/Noises, Pranks.
Cryomancy/Ice Powers, Flail, Minor healing abilities.
Blizzard is a recent intake of the Lin Kuei, a cryomancer eager to learn from her Grandmaster. Despite having amnesia and a strange feeling like she should be looking for something, she is loyal to her clan and grateful for the chance to learn.Personality
Some would likely describe Blizzard as not having a personality. She's incredibly stoic to the point she comes across as completely emotionless the majority of the time. The most you'll get out of her if she's happy about something is an incredibly flat sounding "yay". Because of this, she often finds it hard to bond with people, and only a handful are patient or understanding enough to get to know her.Beyond the surface however, there is a thoughtful and hardworking person, with an interest in history, especially that of her speices.
Physical Description
(Reference Sheet coming soon)Blizzard is a young Chinese woman, standing at 5'6". She has long blue hair, icy blue eyes and has no scars or other identifying marks. She does tend to have large bags under her eyes, like she can't sleep.
She tends to wear blue eyeshadow most days, as well as blue lipstick. Her clothing generally tends to be dresses with fur and capes.
She uses a one handed flail made of ice as her main weapon, and while she can make them at will, she tends to hold onto them for as long as she can, thus is often seen holding one.
(Look book coming soon)
Blizzard currently does not know much of her own history. All she really knows is she woke up one day in the middle of the forest. She didn't really know where she was, and only seemed to remember her name, Li Xue, but she also felt there was something calling out to her. She began walking, and didn't stop.Somehow, her pathes crossed with Grandmaster Sub Zero of the Lin Kuei. Interested in yet another Cryomancer, he immediately offered her a place within the Lin Kuei, and assistance with working out what it is she's searching for. Blizzard accepted, and the rest, as they say, is history.
Due to her general disposition, Blizzard finds it hard to maintain the majority of relationships. She has managed to make some connections however.
Kuai Liang
- Mentor

- Colleague, Rival

Hanzo Hasashi
- Acquaintance

Kezuko Chinen
- Friend
- Blizzard was once a Sonic the Hedgehog fancharacter (like the majority of my MK OC's). She was a cat.
Here you can find all the various artwork of Blizzard. Please click the thumbnail for the full image.Art by Me
Art by Others
- Coming Soon.