Micro Blog

Welcome to my micro blog, which contains just little snippets of my day to day life j Sometimes it's just text, sometimes there will be images and memes. Just generally a little space to dump my thoughts.

Line Break

Mood: accomplished
I successfully moved Strange Heart over to Neocities! j

Still not 100% sure what I'm gonna do with the resources I have here but i'll figure that out. For now... GO LOOK!!!

Strange Heart

Mood: doh
Currently trying to decide if I want to finally move Strangeheart over to Neocities & make it a safe for work graphics & web material site question mark emoji Just since this site is 18+ it doesn't appear in the normal search, so having a sfw site for these sorts of resources sounds more optimal.

The question then becomes how much stays on this site tho. Like, do I just up and move all my graphics & free-to-use pixels over and delete them here or do I maintain two collections.

I need to think about it lol.

Mood: accomplished
Trying to drown out anxiety by keeping busy, I've ended up 1: installing my first ever font that isn't from google fonts, so now I have all these cute pixel text emojis to use C. 2: I've added these little angel Kaoani I remeber from my childhood Angel Kaomani producing a flower These are soooo nostalgic for me, so I'm honestly kinda hype I managed to find a bunch of them to use here now i
Mood: annoyed
My dad has this conversational habit where he'll start a conversation, and then go quiet for a long time, so I'll think the conversation is over, only for him to start talking again the second I've started my music again. Frowning bear emoji Idk how he does it or even if he's doing it on purpose lol.
Mood: loved
Oh! Today's Father Brown Episode is absolutely FEEDING me with Flambeau/Father Brown moments!
Mood: Dismay
Had a pretty good start to the day and it just got worse as it went on lol.
I'm just gonna try and relax as best I can until I get more news.
Mood: Pleased
When did AO3 change their policy on the posting of Original Works? Question mark emoji
I could have sworn the original answer was "yes but also no" where as when I just checked the answer seems to be a more solid "yes" now.
I'm gonna assume it was during their last policy update, but I'm really happy to hear that it's got a more solid answer now! whenever I return to posting publicly, I'll be able to share my original stuff too!! Heart emoji
Mood: Dismay
British Heart Foundation, I realise your ads are important for your work but NGL the ones I keep getting on youtube that are like "I am a normal person living a normal life but OOPS NOW I'M FUCKIN' DEAD LOL" are really not helping my anxiety that everyone I know and love is going to die at any minute Crying bear emoji
Mood: Oops
I think I'm gonna need to clear out my procreate again at some point.
Mood: Inspired
I'm currently making my character profiles on toyhouse at least have their fullname, age, pronouns and sexuality listed and I'm realising how while I do have a lot of gay & lesbian characters, the vast majority of my characters are actually Bi/Pan (those two terms are pretty interchangable for me, and I basically choose based on the characters vibes)

I actually assume this is my shipping brain figuring that having my characters be Bi presents more opportunities to ship them 😂

Mood: Oops
News Reader: You've heard of speed dating, now learn about speed mating.
My ass who's read one too many Omegaverse fics: I beg your fucking pardon?
Mood: Despair
I'm acting like I'm still mulling it over but I'm actually pretty decided on taking a hiatus.
I just feel like I've given all I can, and I have nothing left.
Mood: Oops
I can not believe it's almost 2025! I was only just starting to get the hang of 2024!!! crying bear emoji
Mood: Lighthearted
I really don't like the Christmas advert trend, but I'm gonna be honest, M&S having a fairy character voiced by Dawn French appear for the last couple of year to cumulate into this year where said fairy helps the actual Dawn French is actually a pretty funny concept lmao.
Mood: Melancholic
I swear to god it feels like it's just one thing after another atm depressed bear emoji
Mood: Sleepy
While I still have a small backlog in terms of fanfics I think I'm gonna give myself a break this week. It's all chapters of already exisiting fics I have left anyway, so the drafts aren't at risk of being deleted on AO3 at least sweat drop bear emoji
Mood: Oh No
I have a feeling I'm gonna get so mad tonight man lmao. I can just... sense it lol.
Mood: Love
It's my Birthday!!!! :)
Mood: Rant
I'm having a bad episode with my angieodema again, and I was trying to find some like... advice groups and support groups, spesifically for idiopathic angioedema, which spesifically the kind without a cause or trigger.

So what's like the first thing that shows up on google when you look for advice on this?
"Avoid your allergy trigger".

... Yeah I can't fucking do that BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE AN ALLERGY. That's why it's idiopathic holy shit.

Mood: Oops
Anytime there's a sudden spike in visits to this place it has me like this:

Monkey Puppet looking aside with it's eyes meme

Mood: Oops
I was today years old when I discovered that Stiles is aparently not the main character of Teen Wolf.
Mood: Oops
I made a mistake lmao
Mood: Annoyed
TFW you know if you say something you'll be the bad guy so you just sit and stew in your annoyance instead. angry bear emoji
Mood: Frustrated
Mood: Sick
God I feel so bad right now crying bear emoji
Mood: Excited

I will push it to the limit, And everybody's feeling the sound of the night, I don't wanna stop, we push it to the limit, Together, we will crash the morning light.

Mood: Frustrated

I'm not exactly happy about this, but heeeyyy frowning bear emoji

Mood: Frustrated

It kinda sucks to just... realise you don't want anything to do with something anymore...

Mood: Happy

First post in this new micro blog. laughing bear emoji I'm just gonna post silly little things here every now and then!