Micro Blog

Welcome to my micro blog, which contains just little snippets of my day to day life ^_^ Sometimes it's just text, sometimes there will be images and memes. Just generally a little space to dump my thoughts.

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Mood: Lighthearted
I really don't like the Christmas advert trend, but I'm gonna be honest, M&S having a fairy character voiced by Dawn French appear for the last couple of year to cumulate into this year where said fairy helps the actual Dawn French is actually a pretty funny concept lmao.
Mood: Melancholic
I swear to god it feels like it's just one thing after another atm depressed bear emoji
Mood: Sleepy
While I still have a small backlog in terms of fanfics I think I'm gonna give myself a break this week. It's all chapters of already exisiting fics I have left anyway, so the drafts aren't at risk of being deleted on AO3 at least sweat drop bear emoji
Mood: Oh No
I have a feeling I'm gonna get so mad tonight man lmao. I can just... sense it lol.
Mood: Love
It's my Birthday!!!! :)
Mood: Rant
I'm having a bad episode with my angieodema again, and I was trying to find some like... advice groups and support groups, spesifically for idiopathic angioedema, which spesifically the kind without a cause or trigger.

So what's like the first thing that shows up on google when you look for advice on this?
"Avoid your allergy trigger".

... Yeah I can't fucking do that BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE AN ALLERGY. That's why it's idiopathic holy shit.

Mood: Oops
Anytime there's a sudden spike in visits to this place it has me like this:

Monkey Puppet looking aside with it's eyes meme

Mood: Oops
I was today years old when I discovered that Stiles is aparently not the main character of Teen Wolf.
Mood: Oops
I made a mistake lmao
Mood: Annoyed
TFW you know if you say something you'll be the bad guy so you just sit and stew in your annoyance instead. angry bear emoji
Mood: Frustrated
Mood: Sick
God I feel so bad right now crying bear emoji
Mood: Excited

I will push it to the limit, And everybody's feeling the sound of the night, I don't wanna stop, we push it to the limit, Together, we will crash the morning light.

Mood: Frustrated

I'm not exactly happy about this, but heeeyyy frowning bear emoji

Mood: Frustrated

It kinda sucks to just... realise you don't want anything to do with something anymore...

Mood: Happy

First post in this new micro blog. laughing bear emoji I'm just gonna post silly little things here every now and then!