
Small Life Updates

Date: 15/03

Figured it was time to make a small life update!

Things are going well I think. I’ve been doing a lot in terms of self employment and I have some pretty exciting stuff coming up with that. I don’t wanna go too much into it right now but hopefully soon I’ll be able to talk about it

Other than that I’ve mostly been keeping myself busy. I’ve been focusing on the site a lot lately, but I think that should probably go into my creative log rather than here.
I do need to book for a medication review but that’s honestly about it? Life’s actually pretty good right now
I think I need to get out more, maybe, but hopefully when I start getting into the swing of self employment I might be able to do that. Haha.

We will see how things go

Angiodema Is Hell

Date: 00/00

I’m currently going through a bad breakout in my angiodema and I’m just… so tired of it, y’know?

I’ve spent the majority of the day with pretty much the entire bottom half of my face swollen. Lips, cheeks, everything except one very small patch on my bottom lip.
It feels like it’s mostly starting to clear up a bit now (I can tell because when it first goes up, the area is really hard, and when it’s starting to clear it’ll start to get soft).
Except that patch on my bottom lip that didn’t swell previously is now starting to swell. So… Fucking great.

Idk why I’m writing this, I’m just kinda fed up, y’know? Because for a long time it felt like it was getting better. My breakouts weren’t so frequent, and they weren’t as bad, but this has been going for at least 24 hours now, and a part of my lip is still swelling.
I’m just thankful I’ve had nowhere to go today, but as I start to delve into self employment it’s annoying that this could potentially happen on a day where I have an important meeting.

I might possibly go back to the doctors, just to see if I need to up my antihistamines, but damn. I’m so fed up of this.
Resisting the urge to project super hard and push this issue onto Kuai Liang and write him having to deal with it.