Moving Forwards

- Date ❧ 07/06/2023
- Mood ❧
- Music ❧ The Great Artist by Jolin Tsai
- Currently ❧ Multitasking (Or procrastingating which every you prefer lol)

Alright, First, let me start off by saying Happy pride! :D Shit is hard right now, and some of the attacks on the LGBTQ+ community, both by politicians and regular bigots, make it blatantly clear why we still need pride and why we need to stay together.
Anyway, onto this entry.
So, regarding my last journal. I would be lying if I said the whole issue has been resolved and I’m A-Okay with everything now. I’m still not, to be completely honest, but tbh I am a lot more at peace with everything and not as reactionary upset anymore.
Basically, seeing posts about it doesn’t make me want to cry anymore, and I’m not beating myself up about it as much now.
It’s not 100% okay, but I am okay enough, if that makes sense lol.
I might finally be making some steps towards self employment!! Which is exciting! I’ve been put in contact with someone who’ll be able to help me, which is great.
This is my personal goal. I don’t know how long it’ll take me, but I do know I want this so much, and I’ll do what I can to make it work!
Unfortunately my time at the farm I’ve been going to comes to an end on Friday. I am sad about it, but there was talk about me possibly being able to do some volunteering with them, so I might check with that on Friday
I can’t overstate how good the farm has been for my mental health and recovery. I’m still a quiet person, but god, I feel so much more confident in myself.
I just want to continue to momentum and keep getting myself out there!
I’m sort of keeping my eye on Conventions and stuff! There’s one near the end of July I’m considering attending because it’s a fairly simply train journey if I remember right (I’ve attended a Con in that particular city before, and there’s a train that goes directly there.)
My ultimate aim in terms of con attending as a guest is to get down to London again for MCM! Of course, MCM London is also my ultimate aim in terms of my self employment too! Everything boils down to that con in particular
Basically, if I make it there, both as a guest and a seller, I’ll know all the works been worth it
For a while I’ve suspected I might have ADHD, and I’m currently in a limbo on if I want to even bother trying to get diagnosed or not. From what I’ve heard, unless you go private, trying to get a diagnosis is a nightmare on the NHS. And unfortunately private care is expensive and I can not afford it, also I worry that due to the recent controversy with that one Journalist lying about symptoms and then being surprised he was diagnosed with ADHD, I’d be too nervous to get a diagnosis from them in case people decide it’s not real.
Idk, it’s hell to be a possibly ADHD AFAB person
But I definitely have always struggled with my attention span and concentration, as well as display a lot of the other symptoms that tend to manifest for AFAB people.
Even my Mum looked up the symptoms and was like “yeah you might be onto something there.”
But yeah. This is a bit of a mixed bag of a journal lol.
Overall though, I’m hopeful for the future, and looking forward to seeing where life takes me