
Here you can find my generator fics for Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang ^_^

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Amnesia + Locked In A Room

Kuai and Hanzo wake up in a room together, with no memory of how they got there or who they are, the only reason they know their names is because they seem to have them printed onto strange uniforms they've been placed in. With no idea why they are there, they search for a way to get out of the room and for any clues as to who they really are.

Alien Invasion + Superpowers

Kuai is a superhero, Sub Zero, and Hanzo is a villain, Scorpion. When an alien invasion threatens earth, the pair have to team up to protect the world from them. Unknown to them, the leader of the aliens has a particular interest in Kuai Liang, and will stop at nothing until he his brought before him.

Alien Invasion + Soulmate

Kuai Liang is part of an alien species invading earth. In this world, everyone has a coloured mark on their skin the first place their soulmate will touch them, and Kuai's is a large yellow mark around his neck. Hanzo is a human who is fighting against the alien invasion, and happens to grab a random alien around the neck until he realises that the alien has grabbed his wrist in retaliation, where his blue soulmate marking is.

Crime + Choir

Kuai Liang is a singer in a choir, generally considered the heart and soul of it. Hanzo is a crime boss who happens to be in the crowd during one of Kuai's performances, and becomes infatuated with him.

Alien + Magician

Hanzo is a well known magician within his local community, known for his escape acts. Kuai is an alien who's been sent to scout the planet, and doesn't realise Hanzo's magic is mostly well timed tricks and believes he has real magic. Kuai attempts to get closer to Hanzo to study his abilities.